Give a Rescued Dog a Good Home...Yours!

Spay & Neuter Information

You Can Make A Difference

WAG Rescue wants to send out a message that is impossible to ignore, due to pet over-population, shelters are killing thousands of healthy animals every day; the direct result of people not spaying or neutering pets. More than five million pets are killed annually because there aren’t enough homes for them. It costs an estimated $2 billion each year to take in, care for, and kill homeless animals. You, the taxpayer, are stuck with this bill, and more importantly these animals suffer horribly and die needlessly.

It’s unconscionable for so much death to result from so preventable a problem. This is a national tragedy. If you are not spaying and/or neutering your pets you are the problem. There will always be professional breeders supplying kittens and puppies to the public. We don’t need to worry about running out of animals.

It really IS good for the male or female dog to be sterilized. Reasons include:

  • Decreasing aggression toward other animals
  • Decreasing the incidence of fighting
  • Preventing behavior problems
  • Reducing the animal’s chance of getting cancer
  • Increasing life expectancy
  • Reducing the incidence of injury and disease
  • Reducing the urge to roam
  • Save you money with fewer veterinary bills

Spay - Neuter Vouchers

As part of our Mission, WAG Rescue provides spay & neuter vouchers for dogs to Wimberley and the immediate surrounding area, thereby assisting in the prevention of pet overpopulation. 

If you have a dog that needs to be spayed or neutered:

CLICK HERE to submit a form for the voucher. 

Once we receive your request, we will email you the voucher.  Please print voucher and take with you to your appointment.  YOU WILL NEED THE VOUCHER TO MAKE THE APPOINTMENT.

*You must make your own appointment with PALS, CLICK HERE  or call (512) 754-7257.  PALS is located in San Marcos.

  • The voucher pays for spay OR neuter.
  • You will be responsible for all other charges (i.e. in heat, pregnant, vaccines if necessary)
  • PALS requires the dog have a current rabies vaccination so you will need to bring a rabies certificate. If you dog does not have a Rabies vaccine PALS charges $15 for the vaccination.
  • PALS  offers other vaccinations and microchipping for $10. This is a bargain and we strongly recommend you microchip your dog.

Below are additional no or low-cost spay and neuter resources. Share this information with a friend. Help us continue the battle against pet overpopulation.

  • PALS 
  • Emancipet
  • SNAP Program
  • SPAY Texas

Vaccinations are offered at:

VIP-Petcare clinics are at Tractor Supply in Blanco, Dripping Springs, Buda, and San Marcos.  1-800-427-7973 

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