WAG Rescue is a volunteer driven dog rescue and adoption organization. We do our best to answer calls and e-mails in a timely manner. E-mailing is the fastest way to reach us. Thanks for your patience while we care for our dogs.
Call and leave a message: 512-847-3200 – We check messages daily.
Please remember we are all volunteers and we do our best to return calls and emails as soon as possible. IF YOU DO NOT HEAR BACK FROM US WITHIN 3 DAYS, THEN WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR VOICEMAIL OR EMAIL. The best way to reach us is to use one of the email addresses below. If you call and leave a message, please speak your name and phone number slowly and clearly.
- Dog Adoption – The first step in adopting one of our dogs is to read about our adoption process, then complete an application and then we set up a meet & greet. We are happy to discuss any dog with you, but we do require an application before we set up a meet & greet.
- Owner Surrender – If you need to surrender your dog, please go to our surrender page and read our requirements. Please do not leave a phone message. You must send an email with the required information. We do our best to take in owner surrenders, but our first commitment is to abandoned dogs in our area and dogs needing rescue from kill shelters. Thank you.
- Lost & Found Pets – Please go to our lost & found page for resources and to complete a lost or found form. We do not have a facility and cannot always take in found dogs immediately. If you have lost your pet, please post on our Facebook page.
- Cats – We are a dog only rescue group. Please contact ARF in Wimberley 512-847-2878 or PAWS in Kyle 512-268-1611
Mail Us
WAG Rescue, P.O. Box 2603, Wimberley, TX 78676
Treasures on Twelve, 13620 Bldg A, Wimberley, TX 78676; 512-847-3858 *Please do not call the store about a dog matter.